Enteprise AI Incubation.

Industry agnostic, enterprise AI  platform that increases team productivity by > 30%

Personnel + Platform

In today's competitive landscape, C-level executives seeking to propel their organizations ahead of industry competitors are faced with one critical question – "How do we best harness the power of AI in an increasingly digital world?"

Convictional brings the speed and innovation of an AI startup to your enterprise.

Enterprise Chat AI

Your employees are already using public Chat AI. Provide them with a powerful alternative that is secure and tailored to your business.
Secure chatbot, trained on your business
Convictional's Enterprise Chat AI can be deployed securely within your team and optionally made available to your authorized business partners. With real time access to your corporate knowledge, employees and partners can see >30% productivity gains with existing workflows.
Improves with use
As teams use Convictional Enterprise ChatGPT, the quality improves over time. As your business' corporate knowledge expands, so does the intelligence of Convictional Chat.
Realtime, natural language access to your systems
Enterprise ChatGPT connects to internal systems like your CRM and ERP, so your employees and partners can get the answers they need in real time.



B2B Collaboration Agents

Deploy use-case and goal-specific support agents to your customers and partners to accelerate collaboration and multi-party workflows
Vendor onboarding
Let a chatbot, trained in your specific requirements help qualify and onboard new partners faster than ever.
Integration & product support
Turn your product specs into a realtime chat agent to facilitate product onboarding questions or even technical integrations.
Want to learn more about Convictional?



Full-Spectrum AI Expertise

Gain access to an elite team of dedicated AI experts who bring practical insights and technical prowess to your organization, ensuring your AI roadmap is designed and implemented to the highest standards.
Executive strategy & AI incubation
We work closely with our clients to align their top goals with potential AI applications. From there we quickly prototype and test the highest potential programs as an extension of your team.
Corporate AI policy
The AI landscape is evolving rapidly but your corporate mission should not. Convictional can help craft and communicate your unique stance on AI so your employees and partners can confidently approach AI in a way that aligns with your company values and goals.
Security assessment
Unleash the power of AI within your enterprise without risking security breaches. Convictional, a SOC 2 certified company, can support your security team as you move forward on your AI roadmap.
Want to learn more about our AI Program?


Trusted by Enterprise Retailers, Distributors, and Marketplaces